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Connected device security

IoT device manufacturers and service companies associated are now forced to (re-)evaluate securityduring all phases of their products’ life cycle.

The massive proliferation of Internet-connected objects associated with an increasing number of attacks targeting them and increasing applicable regulations (Cyber Resilience Act, NIS 2, ETSI EN34343, IoT Consumer…) lead to highly consider security of devices and protection of intellectual property as major concerns for already deployed devices or future developments.

Talk to our experts

Connected device security: Audit and Consulting

In the realm of Connected devices security, it is crucial to safeguard user privacy, protect data integrity, and ensure the reliability of systems.

Our QLab experts focus on IoT device protection through comprehensive examinations of IoT architectures and communication protocols. By assessing vulnerabilities in embedded systems and scrutinizing device interactions, our experts ensure a resilient defence against evolving cyber threats. In essence, our methodology not only addresses current risks but also anticipate future challenges, reinforcing the trustworthiness of IoT ecosystems.

  • How to prevent connected devices from being infected with malware and joining a botnet?
  • How to preserve your innovations while maintaining the trust of your users?
  • How to comply with the growing regulation of connected devices (Cyber Resilience Act, NIS 2, ETSI EN34343, IoT Consumer)?

Connected device security: your benefits

your business

At every stage from the design to the release of the equipment: no recalls and remanufactoring, no crisis management to preserve your brand

Costs (OpEx)

Maintaining a red team to evaluate connected devices represents a significant cost and HR complexity given the lack of profiles

a competitive advantage

By meeting new standards or achieving CSPN certification, differentiate your solution from the competition

Our solutions

  • Architecture: design solutions that provide the adequate safety level (secure boot, trust component, etc.
  • Software design support: Reduce the attack surface to maximize resiliency and reliability
  • Cryptography: Ensure data authenticity, confidentiality, and integrity while facilitating key management
  • System hardening: Enhance safety by properly enabling and configuring advanced features
  • Vulnerability testing: attack the connected device to verify that the safety measures are at the expected level

Our added value

  • An R&D Lab recognized and with CSPN certification by ANSSI around reverse engineering, cryptography and
    vulnerability research
  • Tools developed in-house (TritonDSE, Binbloom) and enriched on specific cases to be more effective
  • A detailed knowledge of IoT environments with our services, our QShield product, and our recognized experts in this field


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