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Quickly certify your mobile payment application

Quarkslab enables Payment Service providers to quickly certify their mobile payment acceptance application thanks to our EMVCo-evaluated Software Protection Tool.

Use Cases

PCI CPoC certification

Quickly certifiy your PCI SPoC solution with our EMVCo-evaluated QShield

Visa/Mastercard Tap-to-phone programs

Quickly pass payment schemes Tap-to-phone programs with our battle tested solution


Mobile payment solution development
Contact with certification body
Contact with certification lab (EMVCo or PCI approved)
Lab evaluates solution’s security and protection mechanisms


Preserve software Intellectual Property from attackers with a layered security approach that protects both your source code and data.


EMVCo evaluated solution, saving payments providers up to 6 months in their own certification process

Wide coverage of PCI CPoC/Visa/Mastercard requirements


Securing Mobile Payment Applications - Whitepaper

Securing Mobile Payment Application - Webinar

Ready to augment your security operations?

Get in touch with our team for a platform demo.