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IP Protection

Software, service or content monetization cannot be sustainable without controlling the level of fraud/piracy from the asset preparation and distribution to its consumption by end users.

Security levels are to be analyzed during the:

  • design of customer registration/enrolment process
  • design of the customer authentication process
  • design of the preparation/distribution/consumption of content or service
  • effective implementation of all these steps

Talk to our experts

  • How to measure the resistance of the protection mechanisms of your gaming, payTV or IP TV content broadcast solution?
  • How to understand the hacking techniques of a content broadcast service and its value chain to efficiently fight them?
  • How to ensure that the business model of a video game or audiovisual content is protected?

IP Protection: your benefits

Get the skills of R&D at the forefront of research

Get a wide range of expertise

End to end protection of your
business model

Our solutions

  • Leverage a team of multi-disciplinary experts (ITSEF approved) capable of evaluating systems, from the cloud platform to the implementation of the user application (mobile, connected TV, console, PC).
  • Consider the entire solution, from design to implementation, to perform a comprehensive safety evaluation: enrollment, authentication, content or service delivery, and identify potential leakage points

Our added value

  • An R&D Lab recognized with CSPN certification by ANSSI around reverse engineering, cryptography and vulnerability research
  • Tools developed in-house (TritonDSE, Binbloom) and enriched on practical cases to gain efficiency


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