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Your products required an evaluation by an ITSEF (Information Technology Security Evaluation Facility, in French CESTI – Centre d’Evaluation de la Sécurité des Technologies de l’Information) to obtain the First Level Security Certification (CSPN) and to address the French and European Public and Defense markets with a competitive advantage?

Talk to our experts

  • As a software developer, how to value the «safety» properties of a product and differentiate it from the competition by obtaining a door opener?
  • How to address French and European Public and Defense markets with a competitive advantage?

CSPN: Your benefits by choosing Quarkslab

certification process

A good proactive preparation and external support to have compliant prerequisites significantly increase the success rate

your difference

By obtaining an ANSSI certification, you create a competitive advantage for your solution(s)

to reserved Public contracts

Open the doors of Public organizations public tender that require CSPN certification

Our solutions

  • Obtain a First Level Safety Certification (CSPN) to demonstrate the intrinsic safety properties of your product(s) according to a common standard
  • Pre-certification: Prepare for certification to ensure that best practices are implemented, documentation is up-todate, and implementation is robust
  • Be supported from the start up to the end with ANSSI certification process, from the application file up to the obtention of the certificat

Our added value

  • A recognized R&D Lab with CSPN certification by ANSSII that helps you strengthen your product(s)
  • In-depth knowledge of the certification process and ANSSI stakeholders
  • A complete support offer for the production of documents such as the safety target or cryptographic supplies
  • A pre-audit to maximize your chances of getting CSPN certification


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