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Your strategic outsourced R&D partner for defensive and offensive security

Because your innovations require excellence, an applied research and tailored approach.

Cybersecurity services, consulting and training

QLabs’ cybersecurity audit and services offer a distinctive approach that integrates both defensive and offensive security strategies, fortifying organizations against evolving cyber threats. Through meticulous security assessments, audits, testing and vulnerability research, we empower clients to better anticipate security risks in their products and solutions. Our expertise encompasses security consulting and services, vulnerability research, and advanced cryptography, positionning us as the ideal partner for safeguarding your digital landscape.

At Quarkslab, we don’t just provide security consulting and services; we offer comprehensive protection against potential risks based on more than 12 years in reseach and developement (R&D). This ensures that your cybersecurity defenses are not only resilient but also continually adapting to the dynamic threat landscape and the state of the art practices.

Technical blogposts on a great variety of R&D topics, such as cryptography, reverse engineering, vulnerabilities, and more, written by our engineers
Check out our blog

In-depth skills and know-how

  • Blockchain
  • Cryptography
  • Embedded Systems
  • Low cost HW attacks
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Code review
  • Development
  • Fuzzing
  • Offensive and Defensive
  • Secure SW Architecture

Pentest offers

Discover efficient and standardized offers to optimize the security of your assets, networks, WI-FI infrastructures and mobile applications.


Our trainings

  • Android Applications
  • Practical Car Hacking
  • Binary fuzzing
  • iOS Application Security and OS Internals
  • Reverse engineering like a pro

How to get our training

  • Our training can be purchased by customer for internal needs. We provide the content (presentation), the tools and the experts to teach the training. If necessary, we can also organize the logistic (finding and booking an appropriate location).

  • We also deliver these training in conference program. To get registered, please refer to the conference website.

QLAB selected tool

Instrumenting executable formats

Multi-platform library to parse, modify and abstract ELF, PE, MachO and other executable formats, injecting code or unpacking without focusing on the details.

Tool to observe program execution

Cross-platform, cross-architecture dynamic binary instrumentation framework to observe a program during runtime and automate data collection and processing.

Dynamic symbolic execution framework 

Cross-platform, cross-architecture dynamic binary analysis framework providing symbolic engine, taint analysis and AST representations of instructions.


Binbloom blooms: introducing v2​

Quarkslab's Github