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File & URL analysis: reduce the risk of malware infection

48% of malicious email attachments are MS Office files. More than 90% of cyber-attacks involve human error. Lack of employee sensitization to IT security and alert fatigue of security analysts adds to the problem.

Equip your end users and security team with an easy-to-use platform for quick, accurate scanning of suspicious files and URLs for malware.

Let your security experts focus on complex threats.

Your security team can miss out on critical alerts, causing malware to slip through

Analysts may often overlook critical security alerts, including malicious emails and URLs, leading to malware risks. Traditional detection tools are not fully equipped to handle the constantly evolving nature of cyber threats, leading to gaps in threat coverage. Security analysts are often overwhelmed by the volume of alerts generated by numerous, disjointed tools, making it challenging to identify and respond to actual threats effectively. Additionally, the implementation of information security policies is inconsistent, and these policies don’t always comprehensively cover all potential risks, further exposing vulnerabilities in cybersecurity strategies.

Traditional tool limits

Traditional detection tools do not ensure sufficient coverage of ever-evolving threats

Analyst alert fatigue

Security analysts face several alerts from countless, fragmented tools

Policy enforcement gaps

Infosecurity policies aren’t always enforced and don’t cover all risks

Improve your cyber-defense with an easy-to-use, centralized platform to scan incoming files & URLs

consistent defense

Defense that is exhaustive (static, dynamic & morphological) and always up to date


A single hub for file analysis. Reduce the number of tools your team interacts with


An easy-to-use threat detection tool extends usability to non-security experts

File & URL analysis: Secure, Simplify, Streamline

Quarkslab’s file and URL analysis solution combines the use of multiple tools and techniques, automates common detection and analysis tasks, and enables efficient operations, allowing your team to reserve its expertise for advanced workloads.

Built on a sovereign infrastructure, our platform is designed to give back control over your data, to you. Choose between on-premise or a trusted SaaS.


Malware Protection
Made Easy

Looking for a way to counter malware attacks from files?


Ready to empower your team?

Get in touch with our team for a platform Demo